Monday, April 13, 2009

More pictures of the disaster

March 2009, a small town in Dominican Republic by the name of Carlos Diaz was under emergency alert. 200 people where taken out of their homes leaving memories and their whole life behind them because of a natural disaster. their where no deaths but their are some people left without homes. The major from tamboril gave them 5,000 pesos which is equivalent to about 140 American dollars. In March of 2009 i went to the Dominican Republic and i donate money to those that where in the disaster, because we have to remember Dominican Republic is not a country that is financially stabalized they have many people that don't see a plate of food a day. The whole point of me doing this blog is to see if someone would care about the situation and would like to donate either canned food or money. Any contribution is appreciated. you can send me an email at